Tejidos para espectáculos pirotécnicos

Fire is a fundamental element in the popular celebrations of many Mediterranean regions: the Fallas of Valencia, the fires of San Juan, or the typical “correfocs” (“fire-runs”), street parades where groups of people dressed as devils and other mythological beings launch fire and fireworks to the sound of music, with the crowd gathered around them dancing.

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The essence of our fabrics: tradition and quality

These groups of devils and bearers of fire beasts are part of a dense network of popular culture entities that preserve and promote the most deeply rooted traditions and popular celebrations in each town and city.

Usually these fabrics are intended for some elements of their clothing such as pants or capes, both for “devils” and for the bearers of fire beasts.

telas ignifugas espectaculos pirotecnicos
tablero hilos muaret

Exclusive design: a personalized touch

The fabrics that we usually make are 100% cotton with a weight of 320 g/m² or higher than the fabric previously used and with more warp and weft threads to achieve a greater degree of tightness. We customize the design pattern and traditional colors of the clothing for each customer.

We create fabrics with various binding structures: twill, satin, telethon or any binding that helps achieve the texture that each group needs.

We personalize the designs, dyeing our threads exclusively with the corporate and clothing colors according to each group. We also distribute the colors in the warp and weft direction to create a precise design.

We also weave the dyed threads, the distribution of the colors and the binding on any of our types of looms, the heddle machine or Jacquard machine.

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Contact us, we will be happy to assist you.

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We find partners for you

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We help you find a reliable supplier.

Specialized protection for cultural events

At Muaret Textil, we offer a specialized line of fabrics designed to protect against sparks and fire generated by pyrotechnic devices used in festivals and cultural events. Our fabrics are designed to ensure maximum safety in environments where pyrotechnic elements such as flares, wheels, and firecrackers are handled; common in “correfocs” (“fire-runs”).


Nuestros tejidos son inherentes, lo que significa que sus propiedades de resistencia al fuego están integradas en las fibras mismas. Esto asegura que la protección se mantenga constante durante toda la vida útil del tejido, sin importar cuántas veces se lave.

Nos enorgullece presentar una gama de tejidos ligeros que han sido rigurosamente probados con diferentes tipos de pirotecnia y son ideales para confeccionar prendas utilizadas en correfocs y espectáculos pirotécnicos.

Versatility and safety for “fire-runs” and shows

El tejido técnico multinorma que fabricamos en Muaret textil tiene aplicaciones en diversos sectores de transporte e industriales debido a su amplia capacidad de protección. Sus características incluyen resistencia a la llama y propiedades antiestáticas conforme a las normas de seguridad.

En situaciones extremas o en caso de exposición continua a una fuente de ignición, nuestras telas pueden degradarse o incluso desgarrarse si la chispa es muy intensa, pero siempre se apagarán por sí solos, manteniendo un alto nivel de seguridad.

En Muaret luchamos por mantener la llama de la cultura popular bien viva.

Contáctanos hoy mismo para solicitar tu presupuesto personalizado y déjanos tejer juntos la perfección.

Are you interested in knowing more about our fabrics?
Write to us and we will contact you shortly to advise you and send you a budget.

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